
•Creating a supportive and comfortable environment, making your therapy sessions a safe place for self-exploration, self-expression, and to work towards change.
•Establishing a strong collaborative relationship in which you and I work together exploring your areas of concern and determining your treatment goals.
•Emphasizing the important connections between thoughts, behavior, and emotions.

My Approach To Counseling

•Focusing and building upon your inherent strengths and resources, not just your problem areas, to help with your current struggles.
•Assisting clients in gaining a deeper understanding of themselves, which can help facilitate more satisfying interpersonal relationships - romantic, social and family.

Sample of therapy services

There are many facets of counseling that lead to a successful experience, and I work hard ensuring they are present. A good relationship between the client and therapist or “fit” is an essential element of therapy. Simply put, you have to like your counselor otherwise therapy will not be as effective. Other important components include:


Eating Disorders

Romantic Relationships


Career or School Challenges

Stress Management

Self Esteem

Personal Growth Obstacles

Psychosomatic Complaints

Social Relationships

Identity Issues

Other Therapy Services

(e.g. pervasive sadness, post-partum depression, bipolar, withdrawal, lack of enjoyment, mood swings)

(e.g. anorexia, bulimia, body image concerns, disordered eating, over-exercise)

(e.g. trust issues, commitment difficulties, sexual difficulties, communication problems, difficulty dating, unhealthy boundaries, divorce, break-ups)

(e.g. stress, sleep difficulties, nervousness, preoccupations, panic attacks Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD)

(e.g. procrastination, motivation problems, perfectionism, difficulty with colleagues, boss, or professors, time management)

(especially stress that may cause or exacerbate physical symptoms)

(e.g. increasing self-confidence, being too self-critical, constant negative thoughts and feelings)

(e.g. resolving childhood issues, increasing self-awareness, developing assertiveness, setting limits)

(e.g. irritable bowel, chronic headaches, chronic pain, acid reflux and other GI symptoms)

(e.g. gender identity, trans and coming-out concerns)

(e.g. ADHD, self-harm behaviors, erectile dysfunction, anger management, loss/grief)

(e.g. social anxiety, loneliness, difficulty making friends, conflicts with friends)